Cost of the War in Iraq
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Currently Reading
- The Dominant Animal: Human Evolution and the Environment, Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich
- The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
- Modes of Therapeutic Action, Martha Stark
- Absurdistan, Gary Shteyngart
- A Nod To Nothing - Inner workings of Scooter's mind
- unblague - Smartass attorney in D.C.
- The Typing Makes Me Sound Busy - Very funny woman in N Carolina who says my blog doesn't suck
- Rotten Tomatoes - Movie Reviews
- Urban Legends - No, Diet Coke doesn't dissolve nails
- Adopt a Soldier - You CAN support the troops without supporting the war
- The Food Network - Food
- Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy - Why you can't ride a comet to Heaven
- Sister's Home Page - photos of Nephew Max and Niece Sofia
- Dad's Blog - carousels now, grandkid photos to come, who knows what else
Good Weird Films
Donnie Darko Session 9 A Boy and His Dog Ginger Snaps Ginger Snaps 2 (I'm not kidding.) Stevie Dirty Pretty Things The Gleaners and I Happiness Welcome to the Dollhouse Heavenly Creatures Love Liza Owning Mahoney Max Julien Donkey-Boy (Okay, this one's just weird. "Winners don't have plastic in their yards!")
- Nine Years at the Minnesota State Fair
- What Physical Therapy Does to My Digestive System:...
- Blogger Can't Handle Google SketchUp
- Bad Banana Bread Makes Me Angry
- Eight Years at the Fair
- Bad Bovine Humor
- Seven Years at the Fair
- Surgery Cost
- SIX!
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008