
Eryn is not at all certain Amelie is great, but I bet she'll enjoy the female playmate in a year or so.
Those are the items my 21-month-old daughter chose to take to bed with her for her nap today. She’s in her crib right now, presumably mashing the bejeesus out of the car and the Seuss book.
I never would have thought of that combination: I wonder if it would help me sleep.
You scored as Hermione Granger. You're one intelligent witch, but you have a hard time believing it and require constant reassurance. You are a very supportive friend who would do anything and everything to help her friends out.
Eryn has recently begun stringing words together, sometimes with amusing effect. This morning, she spun around in tight circles for 10-15 seconds, then stopped, looked at the floor, and said “Wow…floor fast!”