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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

LissyJo, Certified Nurse Practitioner

LissyJo passed her CNP exam with flying colors! She scored an amazing 92% (it's my understanding that this is really, really high on this exam), which is precisely why no one but she was worried about whether she would pass.

Congratulations, LissyJo! We look forward to bumping into you at the clinic.

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Monday, July 23, 2007


Eryn and I dropped off Scooter and John in Rock Rapids, Iowa on Saturday so they could camp and prepare for the beginning of the ride. The first leg took them from Rock Rapids to Spencer - 75.7 miles in 90+ degree heat.

Scooter and John found some AC and a place to plug in phones in Spencer, so Eryn and I got to talk to him. He said it was hot and a lot of biking. Hm. No shade amongst the corn and soy bean fields?

There is a camera atop the Iowa Telecom van that updates a photo every minute, at certain times during the ride. Yesterday it was trained on Melvin, where 10,000 riders descended for lunch.

The window in which you can view the photos says "Pictures taken from the Iowa Telecom trailer at the evening RAGBRAI stops," but it's been showing an empty park bench since 5:16 last evening, so I don't know that it has the best description. It did a great job of showing what was going on mid-day yesterday, though. I may even have caught my FIL on the camera - I'll upload that when I'm on the other machine so the rest of the family can scrutinize it and decide if it's really him. Scooter said the time I saw the photo was during the time they were in Melvin, so it's possible.

* That's RAGBRAI 35 for anyone educated after No Child Left Behind went into effect.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Move On

I love this:

Bush acknowledged publicly for the first time that someone in his administration perhaps leaked [Plame's] name to the news media.

In the same yammering, he said it was time to "move on." Yeah, I guess if you're going to (essentially) pardon the man you tapped to disrupt the investigation, we might as well move on.

But - BUT, if W is invoking executive privilege in telling Miers not to testify, isn't he acknowledging a role in the conversations about which she was meant to testify? If he wasn't involved in the firing of the attorneys - and he insists he wasn't - how can he invoke executive privilege?

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