Water Jets and Grizzlies
We hadn't been to the "New Zoo" since before the addition of the grizzlies (and sea otters, and wild boar), so I was pleasantly surprised when Eryn and I got there on Labor Day a few hours after Scooter and I put Sandy down - and found a beautifully designed new exhibit. Here is Eryn, clearly not enjoying herself at all, in the "lava tube" inside of which is the grizzly enclosure.

The new water jet/Russian animal sculpture area just before the entrance to the Russian Coast exhibits is the reason she is soaked to the skin:

The grizzlies:

When the bears come up to the glass (and they do it often), this is how close you are to the (HUGE) animals - no tricky camera zooming:

Pretty amazing exhibit. Reminder to Self: take Ben up on going Behind The Scenes to take pictures for Rony's room. That has got to be cool.

The new water jet/Russian animal sculpture area just before the entrance to the Russian Coast exhibits is the reason she is soaked to the skin:

The grizzlies:

When the bears come up to the glass (and they do it often), this is how close you are to the (HUGE) animals - no tricky camera zooming:

Pretty amazing exhibit. Reminder to Self: take Ben up on going Behind The Scenes to take pictures for Rony's room. That has got to be cool.