Apong says he thinks we might just be evil landlords trying to sap the damage deposit out of our hapless, innocent renters. HA!
Bleach meets carpet - one of perhaps eight such areas.

What turns a wall pink like this?

That's a burn mark on the wall. That other stuff all over the ledge...it has

Really, texture. I haven't tried to clean it yet.

I doubt anyone ever attempted to clean this shower. This is after Dan'l took a whack at it.

Shower, inside,
after Dan'l began cleaning.

Marks on the wall by the lower bathroom. Marks on the wall? To be expected. So many, and so dark? Pretty impressive. I should have taken this photo before removing what I am pretty sure was fecal matter.

I am not certain what this is. My best guess is blood. I don't know how it got way up there on the wall, and I don't want to know. I think I need a HAZMAT suit.

I took photos of the really horrendous carpet stains before cleaning (not that thy're gone now) with Drew's camera, and I don't have those images yet. I also took video today...that should be inspiring viewing later.
One more. I don't know what was being smoked in this room, but it got tossed around by the ceiling fan: