Will the real Jesus please send me a Jag?
The new mailing included two different pictures of Jeebus, and Scooter thinks they're not the same person:

I think it's hard to tell, but he could be on to something. Then again, maybe Jeebus just got a body wave before the second portrait.
Two things stand out in this mailing. Someone from Virginia wrote that "Some time ago I wrote to ask you to pray for me to get a home and a car...now, I HAVE RECEIVED THE HOUSE AND CAR...please pray for me and my family...please send me another [Biblical Seed Harvest Plan], I have used the other one up." Send me more magic wish coupons, I needs me a Harley!
And then there's this, at the top of their letter to me:

Translation: You haven't sent us any money, and we can't fathom why that is...perhaps you hate wealth? We're sending you another crappy, boring, poorly produced "book," and you should hurry up and send us money before God runs out of cash!
So I'll send back the postcard they enclosed - make 'em pay whatever the postcard postage is. They gave me space to write my first name, middle initial, and last name, in those neat little boxes, so I wrote NOT F INTERESTED. They can pray for insight into the middle initial. I look forward to my second copy of the Biblical Harvest Seed Plan.